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The New Stuff

Self Development And How To Be A Winner in Life

You must never doubt yourself if you want to achieve self development. Failure is the reward for those who have the audacity to- (extracted from book by STEPHEN KAVITA)

Self development experts say that your actions are a true reflection of your thinking. This is to say that your attitude matters a lot. Personal attitude makes all the difference between a winner in life and a loser. It is further said that you can change anything and everything if you change your mind set. What the mind has decided the body cannot defy.

Hence you must never doubt yourself if you want to achieve self development. Failure is the reward for those who have the audacity to demean themselves. If you do not value and respect yourself then no one will respect you. Thus your first step in becoming a winner in life is by admiring your strengths and knowing that you deserve the good things in life.

Nevertheless, confidence and self-assurance are not in themselves adequate. You need to have a plan of action, a strategy for attaining self development. Careful planning, rationality and creativity are the irreplaceable ingredients required at every facet of life in order to achieve success in life. Not forgetting to take action in whatever you set to do.

Many people fail because of not taking action. Therefore, if you have a vision and a good plan remember to strategize on how you are going to act on it. As the say "
Procrastination is the thief of time". Hence you will need to do what you can today and not tomorrow if you are to attain self development. In reality 'tomorrow' never comes.

In any case, the best preparation for tomorrow is by doing your best today and with the available resources. Also failure comes sooner to those who wait for the perfect opportunities since they will never come.

To be a winner in life is really therefore a matter of knowing what you want and going right for it. Never hesitate to seize an opportunity; you might pay with your life thus the secret of self development.



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