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The New Stuff

How to Make Pinhole Cameras?

Taking a photograph is both and an art and a science. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote about a dark box with a small hole in one end in 1519. The basic idea of how to take a photograph has changed little since then. Using common household items, a simple and effective shoebox camera can duplicate taking a photograph without expensive equipment. A box camera is a favorite 


Things You'll Need

  • Shoebox
  • Can of spray paint, matte black
  • Thumbtack (type that lies flat)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Newspaper
  • Black electrical tape
  • Photographic film 4-by-5-inch sheets
  • Dark room
    • 1
      Spread the newspaper on a table. Take the lid off the box. Spray the inside of the box and lid completely black. Spray several coats, if necessary, and let them dry. Seal the outside seams of the box and lid at each corner with the electrical tape. Make sure the lid fits snugly on the box.
    • 2
      Remove the lid. Measure and mark a 4-inch wide by 5-inch tall rectangle on the inside of one end of the box. Place a small piece of black tape at the top right and left corners of the square outline. The tape will hold the photo paper in place later. Replace the lid.
    • 3
      Turn the box around to the opposite end. Spray the paint on the outside about 1 inch diameter in the center. Let it dry. Make a hole in the center with the thumbtack. Do not tear the edges of the hole. Put the thumbtack in the hole and cover it with a piece of black tape.
    • 4
      Take the box and film inside the darkroom. Remove the lid and locate the taped areas. Gently hold the photo paper by the edges and tape it in place. Replace the lid securely on the box.
    • 5
      Take the camera outside and place it on a level area. Put several small rocks on top to keep it in place, if necessary. Remove the tape and thumbtack. Allow the sunlight to exposure the film for two minutes. Replace the tape and thumbtack. Return to the dark room and remove the film. Develop it as quickly as possible


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